At particular times, it can be difficult to get to the dance studio in person. In the advent of virtual learning, Berks Ballet Theatre Conservatory of Dance is making conditioning exercises, combinations and training available to its students online through the all-new Berks Ballet Virtual Studio! It’s important to note: virtual learning is not a replacement for in-person dance training and instruction, however a complement from which to practice, learn and grow as a dancer. 

Happy Dancing!

Login & Select a Program to Enter your Virtual Studio

Ages 2-5

Get ready to take the following classes: 


Creative Movement

Ballet Basics

+ More!

Ages 5-11

Get ready to take the following classes: 

Pre-Ballet 1

Pre-Ballet 2

Pre-Ballet 3

+ More!

Ages 11+

Get ready to take the following classes: 

Pre-Professional 1 – 3


Ballet Conditioning 

+ More!

Instagram Live Class