Review: ‘Salute to Sousa’ Takes Center Stage at Innovations

The Company at Berks Ballet Theatre wrapped their Spring show, “Innovations,” to delighted audiences and a great review by the local press. Filled with contemporary, neoclassical work, and a dramatic 26-minute “Salute to Sousa,” the show was a well-rounded way to close out the season.
“10 senior corps members gave a thrilling performance, filled with snappy moves, quick turns, precise footwork and plenty of salutes.” – The Reading Eagle
Next up is the Conservatory’s “Spring Performance,” featuring recent works performed by the school’s students and pieces performed by the girls who attended Youth America Grand Prix. Check out a blog post on this year’s event. Read more about “Innovations” in this article by Susan L. Pena of The Reading Eagle or scroll down for photos from the show.

“Salute to Sousa,” choreographed by Nathan Bland. Pictured (from left to right): Olivia M., Audra N.

Pictured (left to right): Jessica N., Amber W., Ahna R., Gabby B., Allison W., Katie R., Serefina T., Gretchen K.

Pictured (from left to right): Gretchen K., Jessica N., Lorelei O., Lulu M., Jessica B., Christina K.