Returning to the Studio – “Safer-Studio Practices”

We are excited to be returning to the studio for Summer of Dance! To do so in the safest way possible we have implemented what we are calling “Safer-Studio Practices”. These will be followed by all of our staff and for every camp, class, session, and intensive we have. These practices are based on the guidelines set by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC. These are posted at the studio and we email them to each dancer who enrolls in a program. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.
- Staff, dancers, and parents are to wear a face mask when moving throughout the building per the Goggleworks Center for the Arts Policies.
- Staff, dancers, and parents are to enter through the front elevator or front stairs and exit through the back elevator or back stairs.
- Until further notice, the waiting area is closed during summer camps, sessions, and intensives. The only exception is for our 3-5 year old dancers. ONE parent/guardian is allowed in the waiting area for this age group.
- Berks Ballet Theatre Conservatory of Dance faculty and staff will wear face masks while teaching or interacting with clients.
- Dancers’ temperatures will be taken before entering BBTCD studios per guidelines if anyone has a temperature of 100.4+ they will be asked to go home.
- Dancers must wash hands for 20-seconds or use hand sanitizer prior to entering the studio.
- Dancers must come dressed in their uniform and bring a small bag with dance shoes only — the dressing room is closed except to store items.
- We will limit the number of students in each class to allow for 6ft to be kept between students.
- Dancers must bring their own water bottle as the water fountains are not to be used.
- Teachers will continue to practice social distancing and will use verbal communication and hands-off demonstration to teach.
- Ballet barres, mats, door handles, etc will be disinfected regularly with antiviral cleaners to limit the spread of germs.
- Class start and end times staggered to avoid cross-contamination.